Thursday 16 June 2011

The Virtue of PATIENCE

A Thank you in advance to all those who’ve been  patient enough to read this one..:-)

Being patient is something which nobody likes to do by choice..especially, the guys n gals of our times..Come On! We belong to GenX, we are the impatient(incorrigible too, to some extent) ones..and we feel quite “YO” about it..right!! And how can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras- teach patience to its youth?
I begin with this simple example- Sachin Tendulkar, a phenomenon who carries almost all the major records of the cricketing world in his kitty, couldn’t see India through to his dream World was a moment of utter disappointment for him despite the way he performed..and he could have easily given it up then..with probably no regrets on the personal records front..after all it was He who almost single-handedly took us to the verge of it..but how frequently do we Imagine! What if he had hung up his boots then, or any time later(he had many reasons namely injuries, form)..Then Dear friends! we won’t have witnessed a Double ton in a One day game..and more importantly “the joy of living the moment of our lives and HIS as well”-the World Cup2011 win.
He achieved all this because of his patience and the will to cross that ‘verge’..which he knew would make him feel Complete like nothing else. He didn’t take God's delays as God's denials..but also kept in mind the fact that vision must be followed by venture.  It’s not enough to stare at the steps - one needs to step up the stairs..and for those who thought Sachin’s ‘peak’ as a thing of past by 2004, He redefined and rescaled that term.
Patience carries a lot of challenges along as well.. For most of us, it more or less becomes the ability to count down before blasting off. There is too stiff a competition..“zaalim duniya jeene nahin degi saahab” leaves no stone unturned to make you feel shattered after any and every make you step back and get out of the race..But you have to come back that much stronger every time, telling and reassuring yourself that the dreams of the broken are mightier than the wishes of the dead.
Though we have to accept that we can’t go back and make a brand new start everytime..but on the same hand, there  is always this moment “now”- from which we can always head to a brand new ending.

Few of us keep blaming our circumstances for what we couldn’t..we tend to forget that those who didn’t have high rising houses with ac ki thandi hawa and geyser ka garam paani have also been successful in this very world..and I say this with no grudges to those who have these privileges, for I know they have their own BIG issues..all I mean to say is- To Get on in this world, we need to  look for the circumstances we want, and if they can’t be found, we’ve to create them..for those who say it’s all impossible- Nothing can be worse than a Bad Loser..:-P 
Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it.  The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use..instead of undoing ourselves by impatience. We forget that expiry date term..that Misfortunes too have their life and their limits, their sickness and their health..and probably this is why they say You already need a lot of patience to learn to have patience..
Don’t stop that chase..Go for it and Keep going!..not for the sake of proving a point to the “zaalim duniya”..but to prove to yourself that You can do always could! Work hard even harder after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.

I want to know if we can learn from our failures
This much soon...
That we stand at the edge of the lake
Shouting "Yes.!".. to the silver of the full moon.

1 comment:

  1. It is really inspiring to read this. Good Work!
